classic Ghanaian recipes, others using readily available ingredients and adventures

classic Ghanaian recipes, others using readily available ingredients and adventures

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Baked chili salmon

Baked chili salmon

This baked chili salmon is super easy to make. All you need is 5 ingredients: red chili clove garlic honey And you good to go. You do not have to pretend you have your life sorted out. Because you made a tasty salmon for dinner […]

Kontomire stew with smoked salmon and melon seeds (Palava sauce)

Kontomire stew with smoked salmon and melon seeds (Palava sauce)

Kontomire stew AKA palava sauce is a Ghanaian delicacy made with cocoyam leaves popularly called kontomire. It goes very well with boiled yam, plantain, rice, cocoyam etc. Kontomire stew is a staple in our house. We mostly alternate between garden egg stew and kontomire stew […]

Kenya’s  Chicken in Coconut Sauce (Kuku wa kupaka)

Kenya’s Chicken in Coconut Sauce (Kuku wa kupaka)

This Kenya’s chicken in coconut sauce is quite complex with its flavour combination. It is sweet, spicy, smoky, tangy, it’s just fantastic. Kuku wa kupaka shortened kukupaka is Swahili for chicken in coconut sauce. This is a speciality among the Mombasa people along the Kenya […]