classic Ghanaian recipes, others using readily available ingredients and adventures

classic Ghanaian recipes, others using readily available ingredients and adventures

Category: Barbecue and Grill

Grilled chicken and plantain salad

Grilled chicken and plantain salad

Spicy juicy grilled chicken and plantain salad. This is it! I plan on moving to a farm with lots of plantains and chicken. I am totally obsessed with this chicken and plantain salad. We talking of spicy grilled chicken, fresh vegetables, fried ripe plantains and […]

Togolese style grilled chicken

Togolese style grilled chicken

Togolese style grilled chicken using the holy trinity of ginger, garlic and onions with a touch of palm oil. It just happens Togolese applaud the holy trinity of onions, garlic and ginger in seasoning meat. As a matter of fact, I think most West Africans […]

Easy chicken shawarma

Easy chicken shawarma

Real and easy chicken shawarma using Middles Eastern spices, this will leave your kitchen smelling lovely, like a spice store. Hey, any shawarma fans out there? Before we start, I need to make an apology “I am sorry to the restaurant I have been dashing […]