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Avocado tuna salad
Easy easy avocado tuna salad. Our neighbour has a huge avocado tree which has been providing me with shade when I am waiting for a trotro (car). Well the tree has not only been providing me with shade, it has been producing nice and tasty […]
Groundnuts biscuits
Groundnuts biscuits AKA peanut biscuits using groundnut paste and salted roasted groundnut. It’s nutty today. My lovely cousin took these groundnut biscuits to her workplace and it disappeared quickly right in front of her. She couldn’t even get a bite. Huh! What baked goodies does […]
Black-eyed peas and rice (one pot)
I love rice infused dishes. It is like eating a billion grain of infused flavours. Jollof is a classical example of billion grains of infused flavours, this gizzard rice is also a great example. I absolutely have no idea what I am saying but I […]